Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Walking Billboards (part 1)

WALKING BILLBOARDS (Part 1) The world of Arts, Advertising and culture has gradually become a symbiotic Synergy. In a planet where perception is as real as reality itself, every creature including human beings cannot hide from this truth. This article seeks to unveil a very important discovery that big or small business owners could cleave to in order to increase sales and cash in turn. My observations unveil links between these three parts for effective business, and since Knowledge is power; it is therefore imperative that we come to terms with this fact so as to be able to use this to our advantage and the enrichment of our lives as well as the world at large. It’s good to come to terms with these concepts so as to appreciate them even more. However, what is their origin, what do they really mean? In anthropology, geography and other social sciences, a contiguous geographic area is one within which most societies share many traits in common. (Culture area. (2010). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Student and Home Edition. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica). This is a definition of culture, the key for me would be the sharing of traits together, that is to say language could suffice as an arm of culture, the peoples of the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics for instance, have similar cultural traits, some still maintain such till today. The “cowboys” in the north of America also have a similar culture, we could also allude to the fact that there is a link between Race and Culture. The dark-skinned people of the world as well as their white, greenish and yellowish counterparts share cultural inclinations. And since the world in itself, is the total geographic ball, then such abstract realities as politics, diplomacy, love, death, etc are all included in this broad subject. We could logically argue for and against these points in relation to culture, but this may not be the avenue for that. Our concern here is to show the beauty and harmony of these concepts or what I call creative forces, and their link with each other. Various persons have limited their understanding of Art to its entertainment only. By this they infer that musicians, sculptors, painters, photographers, etc, showcase their works only for amusement and pleasure, get applauded and remunerated. We may excuse the shadows on their scope, and may rather finger the world’s mass media for this piecemeal misrepresentation of nature. Of course the relevance of arts has its various parts and each has its roots in the evergreen rivers of nature which are inexhaustible. Many go unappreciated and others may not be recognised or seen, not perhaps in this life time. As an example of such, I believe if professional photographers could capture fresh the fascinating display of carbon monoxide emitted from fighter jets in the skies during independence or other special events, that would be a value of art like it has never been seen before; or if we could see a stage drama live that gradually evolves into a high definition (HD) cinema piece or something akin to it. All these lie within the creativity of the human mind, there are indeed no limitations as far as art is concerned because it’s in the human. Speaking of creativity, today’s world of business employs various forms of art and culture for advancement of their day to day dealings, from billboards to signage’s, posters for office stationeries, even such unnoticed mode like dress codes and lots more, involving one if not both of them, whether it’s called branding or packaging it’s just a use of nomenclatures. I would say it’s an excuse or so, to use the arts and culture and give it another name. The social world can’t be left out of this equation, take sports for instance, be it American football, ice hockey, British Soccer or Japanese ping pong, beginning from the stadium and arena, which dates back to the era of the Greco-Roman Arts and Civilization. In modern times you would notice the beautiful colours in the arena, face caps, display items, painted faces, tattoos, etc, in fashion the designs are all Artistic, various fabrics are assembled from all over the world, this reflects the rich heritage of cultures, talk more of the sources of these fabrics, that would take us back to nature itself, which is the bedrock of all cultures and civilizations. A significant thought came to mind and this could go for free, could serve as a challenge as well, how about having walking billboards? “Working billboards!” you might exclaim. If advertising connotes the techniques and practices used to bring products, services, opinions, or causes to public notice for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised (2010). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Student and Home Edition. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica), Then these revolutions of the 20th and 21st century (tattoo for instance) should be put to good use, rather than constituting social nuisance. If a young man or lady is ready to show off his or her body indiscriminately for no benefit whatsoever, I believe such persons would be even more thrilled to know that this performing art, as it were, could add value to him or her economically. This might just bring in the needed advantage and competitive edge for most small/medium businesses, who can’t really afford the major advertising mediums of today’s world. Most blue-chips and multinational corporations today already have the name and have carved a niche for themselves, even to these class of businesses I would say,” you need it ” perhaps to move on with the social order in business, that would also mean been relevant in the social relations of this generation. The whole idea is just the same as the branded wrist band people wear these days, the logo and colours represent a specific organisation. So why not give it a try!. In all, each of these three forces flow into each other, maybe you would want to say they are interwoven. A proper study of one would lead you to the other. Take a music production for instance one of the Natural endowment there would be the voice of the musician, that’s talent- that is somebody with a good ability and power exemplified clearly in his or her Art- that is the finish record or album. Now a manager or record label needs to publicise this talent of the art to those that need it, the larger majority, that’s Advertising.

For the woman,this is how to hit back at your man

FOR THE WOMAN,THIS IS HOW TO HIT BACK AT YOUR MAN I don’t believe that dear Lucy shouldn’t hit back or retaliate at rude boy, hydro-headed, easily-freaked-out Frank given the statistics today, of broken relationships, which is definitely on the rise. There must be a way out for the women/ladies, who are generally described on earth today, with such not so strong ideological coinage, structure or frame, as “weaker vessels” or “fairer sex”. Although cultures have suggested or informed human behavior in several parts of the world there is a word as it is said that transcends all cultural space, need I mention it? “LOVE”, yes love, which seems the most generally inferred term or subject today, but the least understood. And yet, it is said to be a supernatural belief of all people regardless of gender, creed, sociopolitical or religious affiliations. MAN as discoveries have shown, is said to be a supernatural being, if so, “why hit your fellow MAN whom you say you love, or why love who you in turn hit!” This is my concern here, either ways; the address to this unusual letter would be properly readdressed through this medium to the direct destinations. Read on and you would understand further. For all single or married ladies in such situations, where you have your back against the wall, this would taste good and reinvigorate you even better than any energy drink would, and make you hit below the belt and at point blank range too, and for the man this would make you do well or even “Weller”! Quickly and succinctly, it is important to note that Getting back at your partner in such a way that he or she will feel you, and direct his or her attention back to you, should form the base for any notion in your mind as you read, as to what the term “HIT” connote in the context of this write up, as we are not suggesting the throwing of punches, the use of weapons or violence in any measure. However important as definitions are, this may not be the ideal medium for critical evaluations or such, but looking at a few that would help us understand relativity and relationships in this context, the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary puts the subject, as a loving and/or sexual friendship between two people, which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other. By this definition it would be safe to say that two persons that are not in to work out their trust for each other, should not be in a relationship in the first place, and the thought of love should be far at this point. Because before any two persons can say they are in love, more often than not they may go through several challenges. Theologians tell us that man in the Garden of Eden, was lonely until GOD gave him a woman, as a help mate, the word “help” also connotes the meeting of specific affection needs, that is to say, the woman, a human being, has what it takes and all it takes to care for the man relationally. Alabi D.O in his definition of compatibility put it as, “fitting to each other......ability to go together without a hitch; it has the idea of togetherness, unity, matching each other in the same boat of life”. Now, if the first man created didn’t fit in well (in the first instance) relationally with his woman, he wouldn’t continue with that relationship, regardless of challenges that would come later, even when he was on his way to be deceived by the same woman. What we are saying here is that challenges are common to man, so is the way of life, but an additional force in the person of your partner, makes it almost like a walk in the park. Keeping a relationship is smart work. I don’t want to say it’s hard; please understand me. Cheating in a relationship with another person, whether espoused to or that you are dating, is wrong, but I believe both parties in the relationship should go the extra mile individually to keep their partner, and indeed there are several ways to do that. If you are waiting for me to just go ahead and list a series of ways to achieve this continuum, you already missed me a while back in this piece. The world is even closer than a village now, information and opinions on the subject are just about anywhere, but I agree that there are however few authorities on the matter. You could start by identifying your partner’s likes and dislikes in all ramifications. Now to the undertone of this write-up, which is directed but not limited to the ladies, which is “how to get back at your man”. Well I have hinted briefly already while I gave the general advise to both male and female persons - ladies, it has been said severally and written, that men are dominantly visual, that is to say they are more in tune with their eye sense. Whatever they see arguably forms the larger part of their decisions and opinions, so it could be that, the man is sleeping around, or as it is commonly put cheating on you lady, as a result of several features he has seen in that woman that has being missing in his original woman, which is “you”; maybe her slim to fit figure, her trendy hair-dos, manicure and pedicure, it could be the way she talks, (charisma) or even the way she carries herself. Therefore Lucy honey, observe and study your man, know his likes and dislikes that would be the first stage. Now is not the time to be all out with that, “what about him” attitude, do your part and see how it goes. And all things been equal, he would be compelled by the force of your seemingly new routine to do what he should. Stage two is to keep a good attitude and talk with your man. I know from studies that this type of cultural approach may not be universally accepted. In most western hemispheric nations for instance, women tend to be the boss of the house or the relationship, and they have no time for dialogue with their partners; they state their views when they feel and expect it to be taken. Their assumption may be that there are other men out there waiting, so why waste my time, but in some countries of the south, where strong moral values are adhered to, the doctrine of sitting and talking to your man, is very effective for solving relationship issues. If he continues to cheat on you, you should move to stage three, which is talking to his family and close friends, this has a tangible effect, as they could in turn convince him to come back to his senses, but that is if these family members and friends are not birds of the same feather. Stage four, and that is if he still hasn’t turned a new leaf, is to talk to the girl or lady in question, of course not without a close friend of yours or family around, as this may naturally result into an argument or worse off, a fight, which could result in fatal consequences. Stage five, if I didn’t mention it earlier perhaps its due to the erroneous religious view that stems from a wrong notion, which suggests that, “God will do everything for you, just pray”. This actually should be stage one, but with the right approach to follow it, which is acting accordingly to what your heart tells you after you finish listening to that wonderful voice of direction, which is in your inside. So tell me, what do you think? Well, for me I believe this is a knock out even before any fight between you and your man. Ladies, if these steps or as I put it stages don’t put you in an advantage position in your relationship, to be candid I don’t know what would. These blows are better than the jabs of all professional heavyweight boxers put together. I don’t believe Mohammed Ali could do any better in this match,