Thursday, 25 July 2013

For the woman, this is how you HIT BACK (Hygiene punch)

Let us continue from where we left off on previous lesson, When I say “TIDY”, am not referring to home front environment alone, that in itself is the foundation and we would get to it, “step by baby step”, but for some reason am kin to begin my purview from the personal or individual stance, how tidy are you? That’s the question; we are going to quickly but succinctly look at it. Personal hygiene could contribute a great deal to your relationship or mar the same, let’s take a scenario on this, imaging a lady that doesn’t keep her teeth clean and breath fresh, and we know to effectively do that regularly it takes discipline of at list twice a day practise to keep on. Except she wants to be #a walking bill Board of some sought, and she’s complaining of a bridge in communication between herself and her man, that sounds like a joke, right? Does she need a rocket scientist to figure that out and prove the physics of the foreseen collapse to her? Certainly not, maybe the chemistry of it ha ha! Its amazing how even a man filled with lots of junk in his stomach, after a hard day and maybe a stop with friends for a drink, sweaty etc, still would love to hug and get all the “hello dear!, how are you!, how was your day!,” from a lady . Am not excluding men from this or advocating that men should not imbibe good hygiene culture ,certainly not, am saying since this blog borders majorly on women and how they can “hit back”, a fresh breath is kind of like the thought of a knockout, then you can begin to imaging what thrusting the whole punch of hygiene at him would fill like…….  till next time, PS - hence forth, I would be giving a reminder as a kind of forecast for the next episode here. So since this is the premier of it, I would say till next time, brush your teeth and keep your fist clinched 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

(2) For The Woman - knowing how to hit back

FOR THE WOMAN-Knowing how to” hit back”- hi people! My Apologies goes out to those who couldn’t quite follow some lines in my last post, due to typographical errors and all. I hope you managed to get out the reasonable thoughts in them, that I tried to pass across. But for real, the crocks of its entirety is situated in my very first post on this blog, more reason why you should endeavour to go through every post, and if you are someone who doesn’t like lengthy readings, well you may be missing out, I guaranty that every post here on The Real Writ are no peripheral talk but actual worth. Now this time, less take another thought from that introductory body of unveilings and treat it in brief jots, so everyone lady, woman and man can grasp and benefit from it quickly.
From last time, I mentioned “food” and how men relate to that irrespective of their race or culture, right?( visit lesson 2) So let’s get to know about another indivisible factor in the union of two that became one, or those in the process of becoming, as i have come to see it.
It’s that for letter word again; come on, now i don’t mean Love, “TIDY” is my watch word for this episode, it’s often said within scientific circles that “like poles attract, while unlike polls repel”. Generally, it is expected that human beings appreciated cleanliness, even if they are dirty! It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with it or not, it’s the truth. Tidiness cuts across several parts of life. And in this context every man wants it! Let’s start from the way you dress ladies, everyman man is entrapped in some kind of “limbo web” created by a lady that doesn’t just dress nice, but who dresses tidy! Having everything in checks and well kept together, not haphazard or shabby, what makes the difference is a key ward again called “Details”! Let’s put it this way dot your “Is” and “Ts” ladies! Would explain next time, till then keep your fist clenched
